It’s 2021 and Street Epistemology is Poised for Growth
Street Epistemology International will likely be very busy in 2021, and we couldn’t be happier about it.
7 January 2021
Published almost 4 years ago
With the holidays over and a vaccine working its way into our communities, we can re-focus our attention on promoting, developing, and formally studying Street Epistemology.
One of the biggest changes many will notice over the coming weeks will be another update to the Street Epistemology Website. It will still be the place to go to learn about SE as well as find communities and resources, but with an even more attractive look and feel. If this is an effort you would like to help with, visit this SE Discord server and look for the #se-website channel. We’ll also revisit our SE merchandise offerings and affiliate payout agreements alongside this effort.
Curious about the course we’re developing for people to learn Street Epistemology? Well, it’s going very well, and it looks like we’ll have several modules completed well before the end of this year. We have an incredible team of volunteers working very hard on this, and I think it could become one of the most valuable resources available for learning SE once it’s done.
Talks on developing a study on Street Epistemology continue, and we may eventually need assistance from practitioners to help collect data from their interactions as an effort to measure the impact of the SE approach. Basic studies often set the stage for more robust efforts. More to follow as the year progresses.
Speaking of funds, we are sitting on a decent amount of money, largely due to recurring donations and a sizable donation here and there from generous supporters. It’s never been a better time to submit a funding request if you’d like some help covering expenses associated with your SE-related efforts.
Our grant writing process is still ongoing, and we are updating our profile on the main charity and organization tracking websites, including the results of an independent financial audit. I’m not entirely sure what to expect from this effort, but we’re hoping it will allow us to raise a large amount of funds so that we can hire to assist with our long-term efforts.
The narration at the start and end of each Street Epistemology Podcast for 2021 has been updated with the voice of an individual from the SE Community—a trend we’ll likely continue annually. Attentive ears might be able to recognize who it is.
We are managing several projects now, and have begun testing out project management tracking software. We’ll likely purchase one soon. More on that later.
On a personal note, I’ll be heading to New Orleans soon to speak at the Black Nonbelievers’ 10th Anniversary Celebration (please consider donating if you are able) and am actively seeking opportunities to introduce Street Epistemology beyond theist and atheist spheres (if one comes to mind, please consider contacting them on our behalf to gauge their interest). There are also a few more videos left to edit in my queue (recorded before the pandemic), so be sure to check those out as well.
That’s about it for now. Please stay safe and thanks again for your continued support of Street Epistemology International.
Best regards,
Anthony Magnabosco
Executive Director, Street Epistemology International