
Projects, Board Growth, and Film

Our board has expanded to include two experienced individuals who will assist in our efforts to bring Street Epistemology to people around the world.

6 September 2022

Here’s a summary of updates for Street Epistemology International:

Projects and Committees
Our two new Committees have started holding meetings with members of the public interested in developing their SE content creation and distribution skills or forming their own in-person or online SE clubs. We’ll merge the Research and Course pages into a new Projects page, which will include details about these Committees, including how to reach us if any of our efforts are of interest to you. We’ll also refresh our FAQ page soon, so keep an eye out for these website updates.

New Board Members
I’m happy to announce the addition of two new SEI Board members. Kevin Elsing runs an in-person group in South Dakota, United States and joins us as Secretary. Robert Hamilton has been a fixture in SE community circles for nearly a decade. Volunteering as Project Manager, Robert leads the development of the self-directed SE course. Underscoring the international makeup of the Board, Robert joins us from Ottawa, Canada where he is involved in many non-profit and charitable activities. We have already learned a great deal from both and I expect we’ll continue to benefit from their experience throughout their tenure.

Related Film Project
Filmmaker Travis Brown is about two-thirds of the way towards his goal of funding his film called ‘When in Doubt’, which plans to help people better understand why we are so polarized and to give people tools to speak across those divides. In addition to funding, Travis is looking for pairs of people to appear in the film who are struggling in their relationships due to ideological differences. They should be open to talk and to utilize many of the tools we tend to see applied in Street Epistemology, ideally located in the Pacific Northwest. If that interests you and one of your friends or family members, please contact him at [email protected]. SEI will match donations (up to $500 in total) made to the GoFundMe page for the film between September 6 until September 30th. You can see some footage and teasers for the film here.

It’s been suggested that I record a short video with our monthly updates to complement this letter and improve transparency, so watch for those in the near future. I’ve been working on several exciting projects, selectively accepting speaking opportunities, and investigating the efforts required to develop new products that could serve to help fund our efforts beyond donations alone. More on those soon as we get a bit further along in their development. I’m incredibly grateful for all the folks who have stepped up to help improve and broaden SE with their time and donations.

We will be inviting donors to participate in an end-of-year video hangout to get to know each other a little better, so watch for those details soon.

Best regards,

Anthony Magnabosco
Executive Director, Street Epistemology International

Street Epistemology Linktree


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