Entities that Promote Street Epistemology

Independent Organizations: The Future of Street Epistemology

Grassroots organizations championing Street Epistemology in their native languages and cultural contexts are vital to the method's growth and evolution. When local practitioners adapt and share these tools for better dialogue, they make the approach more accessible and relevant to their communities. The dedication shown by independent groups—bringing SE to their countrymen in their own language and cultural framework—exemplifies how this method of conversation can bridge divides and foster understanding across different societies.

French Flip Card

Opinions on the Street

Founded in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, Opinions on the Street promotes Street Epistemology and reflective communication techniques. With a focus on enhancing the quality of public discourse, it provides tools and training for conducting meaningful conversations about beliefs and knowledge.

Through structured dialogue and gentle questioning, participants learn to explore ideas collaboratively and understand different perspectives.

Language: French


Opinions sur Rue

Fondée en 2020 pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, Opinions sur Rue promeut l'épistémologie de rue et les techniques de communication réflexive. En mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration de la qualité du discours public, elle fournit des outils et des formations pour mener des conversations significatives sur les croyances et les connaissances.

Grâce à un dialogue structuré et un questionnement bienveillant, les participants apprennent à explorer les idées de manière collaborative et à comprendre différentes perspectives.

Langue : Français


OSR Logo
Flip Card - Fixed Width
Sokratischer Weg Logo

Socratic Way

Over 2,000 years ago, Socrates recognized that asking questions is often more effective than making arguments. This principle is embodied in the Socratic Way, applying it to our method of gaining understanding—our epistemology.

By engaging with a conversation partner collaboratively rather than confrontationally, one can create open and insightful discussions.

Language: German


Sokratischer Weg

Schon vor über 2.000 Jahren erkannte Sokrates, dass Fragen oft effektiver sind als Argumente. Dieses Prinzip greift der Sokratische Weg auf und wendet es auf unsere Methode des Verstehens an – unsere Epistemologie.

Indem man sich einem Gesprächspartner kollaborativ anstatt konfrontativ nähert, können offene und aufschlussreiche Gespräche entstehen.

Sprache: Deutsch


Are we missing an organization that promotes Street Epistemology to others, regardless of their beliefs? Are you interested in starting a Street Epistemology organization in your country? Reach out and let us know.