
SE Keeps Chugging Along

The SE Course has reached the point where we need to hire a few professionals, we’ve added a calendar to the SE Website for tracking SE-related events, and added a new board member.

14 September 2021

We held our monthly board meeting and here are a few updates from that.

The SE Course

Progress continues for the self-directed Street Epistemology course that our small group of volunteers is working on. We’re hopeful to have modules 1 to 7 ready for the public before the end of this year, a major undertaking when you consider that each module could be 20-30 pages long!

The team has had to hold a few fascinating side discussions to better understand things like “Exactly what is the relationship between claim, confidence, reasons, and method?” and “What specifically is required in order to say one has ‘done SE’?” and “How is SE similar to (and different from) psychotherapy techniques?”. Being a part of the development of this course has improved my understanding of SE far more than 100 talks on the street probably could have ever produced.

Watch for announcements soon where we will ask people from the public to help us test out these modules! We’ve also reached the point of this project where we need to hire a Lead Editor to bring the modules into the same voice and tone (if you recall, these are being written by volunteers from around the world) and an Illustrator to add some much needed artwork. The addition of these roles in particular will begin to strain our funds, so if you have the ability to make a donation to help us out, now would be a great time to do so.

The SE Calendar of Events

The SE website now has a calendar on it to make it easier for people to keep up with SE-related events. There are currently two “types” of calendar events: online and on-site. We’re in the process of writing up some guidelines so others can obtain access to the calendar to add their SE-related events, which will auto-propagate to several SE-themed social media sites. I’m optimistic that the addition of this calendar will help increase event visibility and attendance.

The SE Video of the Month

If you have the chance, check out the latest SE video of the month on Mark Solomon’s YouTube channel where he and a few other SE folks review two talks he had with people at a vaccine mandate protest rally.

New Board Member

I’m also pleased to announce that Janosch Rydzy from Karlsruhe, Germany has joined the SEI Board of Directors. Janosch has been involved with Street Epistemology for the past several years, where he gave SE presentations and a workshop in German, interviewed with a German podcast, started a local SE group, and added German captions to English SE videos. I think Janosch will greatly help SEI accomplish many important activities that will help bring SE to others around the world. Welcome, Janosch!

On a personal note, I have two talks coming up for the Secular Student Alliance (SSA) in September and another with the Dutch Skeptics Society in October. I’m also on the verge of releasing a series of Zoom video chats with a deceased friend’s religious mother, which could help people see how SE can be applied with someone familiar with SE and not a stranger on the street. I’m really not sure how this series will be received by viewers, as she’s quite spirited, but we’ll see!

Best regards,

Anthony Magnabosco
Executive Director, Street Epistemology International

Street Epistemology Linktree


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